第33回クリーン・コール・デー国際会議・資源の安定供給と脱炭素化シンポジウム2024 講演資料 &JCOALステートメント掲載 Presentation materials of the 33rd Clean Coal Day International Symposium & the Energy Security with Decarbonization Symposium 2024 now with JCOAL's Statement
The 33rd Clean Coal Day International Symposium
Decarbonization Journey - Practical Action Plan for Carbon Neutrality
2024年9月2日(月)9:00-18:00 東京
Monday 2nd September, 2024 (9:00-18:00) Tokyo
Organizer:Japan Carbon Frontier Organization (JCOAL)
共催 経済産業省 (METI)、国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術開発機構(NEDO)、
独立行政法人エネルギー・金属鉱物資源機構 (JOGMEC)
Co-Organizers:Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO),Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)
JCOALステートメント / JCOAL's Statement
プログラム・講演資料 Program & Presentation materials
Opening Session 開会セッション
Opening Remarks 開会辞
Mr. WATANABE Toshifumi
Chairperson, Japan Carbon Frontier Organization (JCOAL)
Welcome Remarks I 共催辞Ⅰ
Mr. WAKUDA Hajime
Director-General, Natural Resources and Fuel Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Featured Speech Ⅰ 特別講演Ⅰ
Dr. Andrew Minchener OBE
General Manager, IEA-ICSC(International Centre for Sustainable Carbon)
Looking Beyond Coal as a Fuel
Featured Speech Ⅱ 特別講演Ⅱ
Mr. TERAZAWA Tatsuya 寺澤 達也
一般財団法人日本エネルギー経済研究所 理事長
Chairman & CEO, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)
Trends in Energy and the Role of Coal
Keynote SpeechⅠ 基調講演Ⅰ
Prof. Dr. KANEKO Shozo 金子 祥三
指定国立大学法人東京大学 生産技術研究所エネルギー工学連携研究センター 研究顧問
Research Adviser, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
New Thermal Power Plants in Carbon Neutral Society
Session I Global Status towards Carbon Neutrality (CN)
セッションⅠ 世界のカーボンニュートラル(CN)の動向
Moderator Prof. Dr. ARIMA Jun 有馬 純
指定国立大学法人東京大学 公共政策大学院 特任教授
Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo
speech-1 (IO)
Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi
Head of Energy Modeling and Policy Planning (MPP), ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)
Carbon Neutrality Policy Updates in ASEAN
speech-2 (Malaysia)
Dato' Ir. Ts. Abdul Razib bin Dawood
CEO, Energy Commission (ST) CEO / Chairman, ASEAN Forum on Coal (AFOC)
Carbon Neutrality Policy Updates of Malaysia
speech-3 (IO)
Dr. Oliver Then
Executive Managing Director, VGBE Energy e.V.(VGBE)
Status of European and Germany Energy Politics
speech-4 (Saudi Arabia)
Dr. Aqil Jamal CANCELLED
Chief Technologist, Carbon Management Division, Research and Development Center, Saudi Aramco
Carbon Neutral Approach by Saudi Aramco (draft)
speech-5 (India)
Mr. Bikash Chandra Mallick
Principal Chief Engineer-II, Central Energy Authority (CEA), Ministry of Power (MoP)
Strategic Energy Transition in India
speech-6 (China)
Ms. Yi Ye (confirmed/onsite)
Researcher, China Electric Power Planning and Engineering Institute (EPPEI)
Low-Carbon Transformation of China's Coal Power under the "Dual Carbon" Strategy : Policies and Actions
speech-7 (USA)
Mr. Glen E. Sweetnam
Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) (former US DOE official)
Carbon Neutrality Policy Updates for the U.S.
Keynote Address II 基調講演Ⅱ
Ms. Jane Burton
Project Director, The CarbonNet Project, Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions, State Government of Victoria
The CarbonNet Project
Featured Speech III 特別講演Ⅲ
Mr. SASATSU Hiroshi 笹津 浩司
Director and Executive Vice President, J-POWER
Towards Balancing Energy Security and the Environment ~J-POWER BLUE MISSION 2050~
Session II Decarbonization Technology Updates
セッションⅡ 脱炭素化最新技術動向
Moderator Pro. Dr. NARUSE Ichiro 成瀬 一郎
国立大学法人東海国立大学機構 名古屋大学 未来材料・システム研究所 教授
Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), Nagoya University,Tokai National Higher Education and Research System
speech-1 (Japan)
Mr. TAKANO Shinichi 高野 伸一
㈱IHI 理事 資源・エネルギー・環境事業領域 カーボンソリューションSBU長
Associate Director, General Manager of Carbon Solution Business Unit, Resources, Energy & Environment Business Area, IHI Corporation
IHI's Solution to Achieve Carbon Neutrality
speech-2 (Japan)
Mr. YAMAMOTO Shigeru 山本 滋
川崎重工業㈱(KHI) 執行役員 水素戦略本部長
Executive Director, General Manager, Hydrogen Strategy Division, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (KHI)
Kawasaki Heavy Industries: Liquified Hydrogen Supply Chain Project
speech-3 (Japan)
Mr. HORIMI Taisuke 堀見 泰資
日本製鉄㈱(NIPPON STEEL) 参与 グリーン・トランスフォーメーション推進本部総合企画部
Executive Counselor, General Planning Division, Green Transformation Development Sector, Nippon Steel Corporation
Carbon Neutral Vision of Nippon Steel
speech-4 (Japan)
Mr. ISHIDA Yasuyuki 石田 泰之
太平洋セメント㈱ カーボンニュートラル技術開発部長
Director-General, Carbon Neutral Technology Development Department, Taiheiyo Cement Corporation
Developments of Taiheiyo Cement Group's Innovative Technologies for Carbon Neutrality
speech-5 (Japan)
Mr. IWASA Kiyohiko 岩浅 清彦
東芝エネルギーシステムズ㈱ パワーシステム事業部CO2分離回収システム計画・開発部 エキスパート
Expert, CCUS System Engineering & Development Department, Power Systems Division,TOSHIBA Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (TOSHIBA)
Toshiba's Contribution to Advanced Carbon Capture Solutions
speech-6 (Thailand)
Dr. Chana Poomee
Chairman, Thai Cement Manufacturing Association (TCMA)
Decarbonization in Thailand's Cement Sector
Session III Wrap-up Panel Discussion Practical Action Plan - Challenges and Response
セッションⅢ ラップアップパネルディスカッション 実行可能な脱炭素化に向けた課題と対応
Moderator Prof. Dr. KIKKAWA Takeo 橘川 武郎
学校法人国際大学(IUJ)学長 国際経営学研究科教授
President, International University of Japan (IUJ)
panelist 1 Prof. Dr. ARIMA Jun 有馬 純
指定国立大学法人東京大学 公共政策大学院 特任教授
Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo
panelist 2 Pro. Dr. NARUSE Ichiro 成瀬 一郎
国立大学法人東海国立大学機構名古屋大学 未来材料・システム研究所 教授
Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), Nagoya University, Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS), Nagoya University, Tokai National Higher Education and Research System
panelist 3 Dr. Andrew Minchener OBE
General Manager, IEA-ICSC (International Centre for Sustainable Carbon)
panelist 4 Dr. Zulfikar Yurnaidi
Head of Energy Modeling and Policy Planning (MPP), ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)
panelist 5 Mr. Bikash Chandra Mallick
Principal Chief Engineer-II, Central Energy Authority (CEA),Ministry of Power (MoP), India
panelist 6 Ms. NorA'in Md Salleh
General Manager, Carbon Capture Storage, Carbon Management Division, Petrolia Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS)
Regional CCS Hub Development in Malaysia
panelist 7 Mr. Paul Baruya
Director of Strategy and Sustainability, FutureCoal Global Alliance
Practical Action Plan Challenges and Response
panelist 8 Dr. ADACHI Fumio 足立 文緒
国際連合工業開発機関(UNIDO) 東京投資・技術移転促進事務所 所長
Head, Investment and Technology Promotion Office (ITPO), Tokyo, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
UNIDO Carbon Neutral Programmes
panelist 9 Mr. SASATSU Hiroshi 笹津 浩司
電源開発㈱(J-POWER) 取締役副社長執行役員
Director and Executive Vice President, J-POWER
Closing Remarks 閉会辞
Mr. TSUKAMOTO Osamu 塚本 修
一般財団法人カーボンフロンティア機構 理事長
President, Japan Carbon Frontier Organization (JCOAL)
The Energy Security with Decarbonization Symposium 2024
Energy Security under Global Situation & Role of CCS towards Decarbonization in the Coal-related projects
2024年9月3日(火)9:00-13:00 東京
Tuesday 3rd September, 2024 (9:00-13:00) Tokyo
主催 一般財団法人カーボンフロンティア機構(JCOAL)
Organizer:Japan Carbon Frontier Organization (JCOAL)
共催 独立行政法人エネルギー・金属鉱物資源機構 (JOGMEC)
Co-Organizers:Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)
プログラム・講演資料 Program & Presentation materials
Opening Session 開会セッション
Opening Remarks 開会辞
Mr. WATANABE Toshifumi 渡部 肇史
一般財団法人カーボンフロンティア機構 会長
Chairperson, Japan Carbon Frontier Organization (JCOAL)
Welcome Remarks 共催辞
Mr. TAKAHARA Ichiro 髙原 一郎
独立行政法人エネルギー・金属鉱物資源機構 (JOGMEC) 理事長
Chairman and CEO, Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)
Featured Speech 特別講演
Ms. Michelle Manook
CEO, FutureCoal Global Alliance
Coal Sector's Future in the world
Session I Energy Security under Global Situation
セッションⅠ 世界情勢の影響を受けるエネルギーの安定供給
Moderator Dr. HORII Nobuhiro 堀井 伸浩
指定国立大学法人九州大学 経済学研究院 准教授
Associate Professor, Department of Industrial and Business Systems, Kyushu University
speech-1 (India)
Mr. Anandji Prasad
Project Advisor, Ministry of Coal (MoC)
Energy Security in India - Demand and Supply of Coal & its Perspective
speech-2 (Indonesia)
Dr. Julian Ambassadur Shiddiq, S.T., M.T.
Director, Mineral and Coal Program Development, Directorate General of Mineral and Mineral Resources (MINERBA), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR)
Energy Security in Indonesia - Supply & Demand Trends and Outlook
speech-3 (Australia)
Mr. Matt Brown
Manager, Coal and Uranium, Mining Branch, Minerals and Resources Division, Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR)
Australia's Coal Industry Overview with Coal, Energy, Emissions Reductions Policies
speech-4 (China)
Dr. Zhang Yousheng
Depury Director-General, Energy Research Center, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)
The Supply and Demand Situation and Transformation Development of Coal in China
Keynote Speech 基調講演
Mr. MORI Hiroyuki 森 裕之
独立行政法人エネルギー・金属鉱物資源機構 (JOGMEC) 理事 エネルギー事業本部長
Executive Vice President, Member of Board, Energy Business, Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)
Japan's CCS Implementation Target and JOGMEC's role
Session II Role of CCS towards Decarbonization in the Coal-related projects
セッションⅡ 石炭関連事業の脱炭素化におけるCCSの役割
Moderator Prof. Dr. MATSUOKA Toshifumi 松岡 俊文
指定国立大学法人京都大学 名誉教授 深田地質研究所 (FGI) 顧問
Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University Special Advisor, The Fukada Geological Institute (FGI)
speech-1 (IO)
Mr. Jarad Daniels
CEO, Global CCS Institute (GCCSI)
CCS : Global Status Update - Progress and Challenges
speech-2 (USA)
Prof. Dr. Holly Krutka
Executive Director, School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming,
Wyoming: A Hub of CCS/CCUS Activity
speech-3 (Malaysia)
Ms. NorA'in Md Salleh
General Manager, Carbon Capture Storage, Carbon Management Division, Petrolia Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS)
CCS Business Solution by PETRONAS
speech-4 (Japan)
Dr. AKIMOTO Keigo 秋元 圭吾
公益財団法人地球環境産業技術研究機構(RITE)システム研究グループ リーダー・主席研究員
Group Leader/ Chief Researcher, Energy and Environmental System Analysis, Policy Analysis for Global Warming Issues, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for Earth(RITE)
The Stats and Role of CCS in Japan
Closing Remarks 閉会辞
Mr. TSUKAMOTO Osamu 塚本 修
一般財団法人カーボンフロンティア機構 理事長
President, Japan Carbon Frontier Organization (JCOAL)