
1. 炭素 水素 窒素 酸素 硫黄

規格番号 名称
157:1996 Hard coal-Determination of forms of sulphur
333:1996 Coal-Determination of nitrogen-Semi micro Kjeldahl method
334:1992 Coal and coke-Determination of total sulphur-Eschka method
351:1996 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of total sulfur-High temperature combustion method
609:1996 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of carbon and hydrogen-High temperature combustion method
625:1996 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of carbon and hydrogen-Liebig method
925:1997 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of carbonate carbon content-Gravimetric method
17247:2005 Coal-Ultimate analysis
19579:2006 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of sulfur by IR spectrometry

2. 水分 揮発分 灰分

規格番号 名称
562:1998 Hard coal and coke-Determination of volatile matter content
579:1999 Coke-Determination of total moisture content
589:2008 Hard coal-Determination of total moisture
1171:1997 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of ash
11722:1999 Solid mineral fuels-Hard coal-Determination of moisture in the general analysis test sample by drying in nitrogen
17246:2005 Coal-Proximate analysis

3. 石炭組織分析

規格番号 名称
7404:1994 Methods for the petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite-part 1:Vocabulary
7404-2:1985 Methods for the petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite-part 2 preparation of coal samples
7404-3:1994 Methods for the petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite-part 3:Method of determining maceral group composition
7404-4:1994 Methods for the petrographic analysis of bituminous coal and anthracite-part 4:Method of determining microlithotype, carbominerite and minerite composition

4. サンプリング

規格番号 名称
13090-1:2001 Hard coal and coke-Mechanical sampling part 1:General Introduction
13090-2:2001 Hard coal and coke-Mechanical sampling part 2:Coal-Sampling from moving streams
13090-3:2001 Hard coal and coke-Mechanical sampling part 3:Coal-Sampling from stationary lots
13090-4:2001 Hard coal and coke-Mechanical sampling part 4:Coal-Preparation of test samples
13090-5:2001 Hard coal and coke-Mechanical sampling part 5:Coke-Sampling from moving streams
13090-6:2001 Hard coal and coke-Mechanical sampling part 6:Coke-Preparation of test samples
13090-7:2001 Hard coal and coke-Mechanical sampling part 7:Methods for determining the precision of sampling, sample preparation and testing
13090-8:2001 Hard coal and coke-Mechanical sampling part 8:Methods of testing bias
18283:2006 Hard coal and coke-Manual sampling

5. 微量元素

規格番号 名称
601:1981 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of arsenic content using the standard silver diethyldithiocarbamate photometric method of ISO 2590
11723:2004 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of arsenic and selenium-Eschka's mixture and hydride generation method
11724:2004 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of total fluorine in coal, coke and fly ash
15237:2003 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of total mercury content in coal
15238:2003 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of total cadmium content in coal
22380:2008 Selection of methods for the determination of trace elements in coal

6. その他

規格番号 名称
501:2003 Hard coal-Determination of the crucible swelling number
540:5008 Hard coal and coke-Determination of ash fusibility
602:1983 Coal-Determination of mineral matter
1018:1975 Hard coal-Determination of moisture-holding capacity
1928:1995 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of gross calorific value by the calorimeter bomb method, and calculation of net calorific value
1952:2008 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of extractable metals in dilute hydorochloric acid
1953:1994 Hard coal-Size analysis by sieving
587:1997 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of chlorineusing Eschka mixture
622:1981 Solid mineral fuels-Determination of phosphorus content-Reduced molybdophosphate photometric method
1170:2008 Coal and coke-Calculation of analysis to different bases
5074:1994 Hard coal-Determination of hardgrove grindability index
11726:2004 Solid mineral fuels-Guidelines for the validation of alternative methods of analysis
11760:2005 Classification of coals
12900:1997 Hard coal-Determination of abrasiveness
15239:2005 Solid mineral fuels-Evaluation of the measurement performance of on-line analysis

7. 褐炭

規格番号 名称
2950:1974 Brown coals and lignites-Classification by types on the basis of total moisture content and tar yield
5068-1:2007 Brown coals and lignites-Determination of moisture content-Part 1:Indirect gravimetric method for total moisture
5068-2:2007 Brown coals and lignites-Determination of moisture content-Part 1:Indirect gravimetric method for total moisture in the analysis sample
5069-1:1983 Brown coals and lignites-Principles of sampling-Part 1:Sampling for Determination of moisture content and for general analysis
5069-2:1983 Brown coals and lignites-Principles of sampling-Part 2:Sample preparation for Determination of moisture content and for general analysis
5072:1997 Brown coals and lignites-Determination of volatile matter in the analysis sample-Part Two furnace method
5072:1997 Brown coals and lignites-Determination of true relative density and apparent relative density
5073:1999 Brown coals and lignites-Determination of humic acids