Strategic Promotion of Prioritized Projects
As a one-stop institute for coal utilization, JCOAL strategically endeavors to create business opportunities related to coal utilization including the export of infrastructure and the development of business models. These activities are conducted with a view to achieving win-win relationships between counterpart countries and Japan making best use of the excellent technologies of Japan and various strong points of our counterpart countries. To this end, JCOAL is actively and effectively utilizing various platforms established through political dialogue and various MOUs, as well as approaches tailored to national or regional characteristics in order to engage in integrated efforts covering upstream and downstream processes.
1.CCT Knowledge and Technology Exchange/Transfer Program
Coal is crucial, being more evenly distributed than other fossil fuels, having excellent stability and economy of supply, consisting of approx. 30 percent of the world's primary energy sources. Coal demand is expected to rise significantly, mainly in Asia: according to IEA (International Energy Agency), the amount of coal in use is expected to increase by approximately ten percent in 2040. On the other hand, because coal-use generates more carbon dioxide than other fossil fuels, technologies to reduce carbon dioxide emission and to use it more efficiently must be developed, demonstrated, and distributed. It is also critical to develop technologies to remove other air pollutants such as SOx and NOx are also important to promote use of coal.

In response to the expected increase in consumption of coal to meet rising energy demands, JCOAL has long been carrying out a range of coal related projects. These include projects to disseminate and transfer Japanese Clean Coal Technology (CCT) abroad to reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur oxides (SOx), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission that have negative impact on the environment; projects to improve coal utilization efficiency to contribute the supply and demand relaxation of coal in Japan and further contribute as measures against global warming; and projects to support Japanese companies in the business of disseminating CCT overseas markets.
In Asian and Eastern European countries where, marketing of Japanese CCT is promising, JCOAL can dispatch Japanese CCT experts to hold seminars (Visiting CCT technology exchange) upon request, JCOAL can also invite executives and engineers of electricity policy agencies, electric companies, and research institutes of such countries to participate in such technology exchanges in Japan. Further, JCOAL conducts surveys and equipment inspections and diagnosis required for the introduction of CCT. Counterparts in such activities include India, Ukraine, Indonesia, Vietnam, Poland, Thailand, Mongolia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and China.

Workshop with CEA, The Goverment of India. Technology exchange program for Vietnam in Japan.
2.Power Plant Diagnosis for Efficiency and Environment

Existing turbine of Trypilska power. Diagnosis in India.
In an attempt to share Japan's experience, knowledge and technology of high efficiency coal fired power plant, JCOAL dispatches experts to a recipient countries for inspection and diagnosis of existing power plants to provide a tailored plan of efficiency and environmental improvement for each plant under CCT Transfer Program. In the case of India, JCOAL has embarked on its cooperation with Central Electricity Authority (CEA) of the Government of India in facilitation of efficiency and environmental improvement of existing power plants in 2010, since then total of eight power plants have been inspected and diagnosis were prepared for each plant. And since 2014, JCOAL in cooperation with Japanese companies have been conducting feasibility study and follow-up activities, to introduce Japanese high efficiency coal-fired plant technologies into India in the near future.
CCT Transfer Program saw another development in Ukraine. Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry (MECI) of Ukraine and JCOAL executed a MOU for diagnosis of existing power plant in the country, based on the preceding MOU between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Japan to extend a firm support in facilitating clean and highly efficient coal utilization in the power sector. A preliminary study and a full-fledged study at each of the two selected power plants in JFY2014 lead to the on-going cooperation for a demonstration project for efficiency and environmental improvement that is highly expected to be brought into materialization.
In China, JCOAL and the China Electricity Council (CEC) jointly established "China-Japan Joint Committee on Efficiency Improvement and Environmental Improvement of Coal-fired Power Plants" in April 2007. Since then among other activities the committee has carried out the inspection and the preparation of diagnosis for total of twelve existing power plants. Furthermore JCOAL and the China Electricity Council (CEC) signed an MOU on environmental and efficiency improvement of coal-fired power plants at the November 2015 China-Japan Forum on Energy Saving and Environmental Protection. Based on this MOU the survey of environment at power plants and the preparation of environmental improvement proposals have been and being implemented in JFY2016. In parallel JCOAL is currently promoting environmental improvement projects of coal-fired power plants on a business basis in cooperation with the air pollution prevention project implemented by JAPAN-CHINA ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION and Zibo City in Shandong.
3.Facilitation of Low Rank Coal Utilization
Utilization of low-rank coal that has not been utilized to its full potential is becoming more important than ever as a measure to secure stable supply of coal to Japan and to relax the demand and supply of energy in coal producing counties. Various technologies for utilization of low-rank coal have been developed thus far, however essentially none of these technology has been commercialized yet mostly due to too optimistic cost estimates of technologies. Taking this experience into full consideration, JCOAL is now carrying out variety of consultancy work to promote commercial utilization of low-rank coal. JCOAL is supporting projects implemented by Japanese companies such as hydrogen/chemicals and Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) production project from blown coal, low-rank coal upgrading project for power plant and steel mill. With its long established networks and contacts in coal producing countries, JCOAL is conducting technology exchange and survey on blown coal reserves, mining rights and related infrastructure. Further, JCOAL is providing information on local policy, regulations, technology needs and competition and economic evaluation.
JCOAL engages in collecting and sharing updated and timely information on the relevant issues with the global community, for which formulation of articulate business strategies is crucial.