Message from Chairperson

The world is heading toward the mid-century target of carbon neutrality, which is crucial to save the globe from excessive warming and its impact.
Looking at recent years that saw aggravated conflicts in several areas of the globe and subsequent fluctuating energy prices and insecure energy situation, we have become keenly aware of geographical risks being inseparably linked with energy security.
While domestically progressing in the formulation of the 7th Energy Basic Plan, Japan has established innovative frameworks that are to be conducive to the global efforts toward carbon neutrality, such as GX, a comprehensive scheme for green transition, and Climate Transition Fund that is to issue green economic transition bond under the umbrella scheme.
Fossil fuels are the main sources of GHG emissions yet remain major energy sources to bolster economic growth and social development of both Global South and Global North economies.
Coal, among others, is outstanding in its availability and affordability as well as worldwide distribution. And coal is to remain a must energy source for various segments of industries as well as power sector in the world. That being said, coal is yet the largest emitter of all energy sources and it is imperative that every coal using countries makes utmost efforts for low emissions and zero emissions of flue gasses and CO2., so that energy security through energy affordability and energy diversification will be fully ensured.
Having been a unique and enthusiastic organization in technology-oriented holistic solutions development for low emissions and decarbonization, JCOAL, Japan Carbon Frontier Organization in full, is determined to remain a bridging organization between governments, government-to-business, and business-to-business throughout the coal value chain and beyond in close collaboration with bilateral and international partners as well as relevant organizations and member companies.
We look forward to working with you.
Toshifumi Watanabe
Japan Carbon Frontier Organization